Individual Mentoring
Individual mentoring provides the most thorough, efficient, and active way of advancing within the area of public speaking. It is in-depth, one-to-one work, with the advantage of working in detail on personal issues ensuring to trigger, expand and reach the greatest potential.
Within Individual Mentoring, there are different possibilities that can be adjusted according to everyone’s personal needs. It can take place in-person or online.
Upon agreement, there is a possibility of long-term mentoring consisting of monitoring, advising, and guiding the person in their process and development, which means working closely on all the required public speeches in an agreed time frame.
Individual Mentoring can be structured in 1 working session, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months,6 months to 1 year, or even more and always adjusted to the needs of the participant.
Individual Mentoring is possible in English and Croatian.
If you would like to arrange a Group or Individual mentoring, please contact me.